artist of the Week

2021 - 2022

Our Fine Arts Department Awards for the Senior Class of 2022 at Graduation

Our Performing Arts Awards for the Senior Class of 2022

Each of our 6 National Award winners for performing arts were involved in a major ensemble of either Choir or Band
- 2 were members of RB3 -
- And ALL SIX were members of the Drama Guild - 

What an exceptionally talents group of SpARTans with this Senior Class.


Jordyn Petrey, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Drawing & Painting, Photography, Graphic Design,
Senior Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’ve always been surrounded by art with my family always doing something. That lead to my sisters and I also doing something artistic whether it was drama, pottery, drawing or photography. So for me it kinda came naturally and joining the Fine Arts at RB helped me grow and pushed me to do my best. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite photograph I've taken is called "flower girl" and it was the first assignment from this year. That was the project that helped me decide that I wanted to photograph animals for a living. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t give up just because the class gets hard -  keep going because then you will find your passion for it.

Future Plans

I plan to start my own business in animal photography.

Other Involvement & Interests

You can look at my original photography on Instagram @jordyn03_photography

Ava DeStazio, Senior

Chamber Choir, soprano

Drama Guild, Newsies (goon, photographer, Newsie)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved because it’s a lot of fun, and I was able to meet new people. The Drama Guild is like a big family, and I loved practicing and performing with everyone.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is the Christmas Concert. It was the first time I performed at Roger Bacon.  I also loved getting to know Mr. Burke more during Newsies and seeing how funny he is. I could see how much he cares about the students which just makes RB that special of a place.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell them it’s just a lot of fun to show people your talents.

Future Plans

I want to go to college to be a medical assistant.

Other Involvement & Interests

ASL Club

Corinne Crowe, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Senior Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography, ceramic sculpture

Drama Guild, Godspell (set/prop/run crew), Singin' in the Rain (Cosmo)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love having various outlets for self expression aside from soccer and other things like Outreach and Senate.  The Fine Arts have been and always will be very enjoyable to me— learning dances, building sets, making a complex sculpture, finding the perfect lighting for a photo, they are all challenging yet enticing activities.

Favorite Memory

I loved my portfolio class with Mrs. Reinbach this year— she allowed me the space and resources to teach myself ceramics and sculpture work with a lot of creative freedom. It was a nice time for me to escape the rest of my daily life and just relax as I learned how to navigate a new medium that I quickly learned to enjoy. Plus once I continued my photography work, I also could explore my skills there as well.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

GO FOR IT. Giving yourself the opportunity to grow in a creative outlet can be more beneficial than you might expect. You’ll gain so many skills through your involvement in the fine arts both in the art world and in your daily life.

Future Plans

I’ll be attending UC and majoring in Psychology.

Other Involvement & Interests

Assisi Scholar, NHS, Varsity Girls Soccer (captain this season), Community Outreach Board, Student Senate President, Senior Leader, St. Vincent De Paul, Spartan Leader. These are all things I have been involved in throughout high school and many I still do today.

Alyssa Grantmaier, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro, Drawing & Painting, Studio Portfolio

Medium, graphite, acrylic, watercolor, digital design

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love art and thanks to the help and encouragement from my teachers, I get to express myself in art classes.

Favorite Memory

My favorite visual piece has been the mark making artwork, but I've also been enjoying the oil pastel self portrait I’m currently working on.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t be afraid to fail, it’s a part of learning that will make you better and remember, you can always ask for help.  But just express yourself.

Future Plans

My plans are to continue to make art and even possibly go to art school.

Other Involvement & Interests

I have played tennis for 3 years here at RB.

Ryan Grider, Senior

Drama Guild

The Diary of Anne Frank, Singin' in the Rain, Suspense, 

Once On This Island, Alice in Wonderland, Newsies

SOUND CREW and Crew head

I have run the sound board for all of my shows, which means setting out equipment and speakers, assigning and passing out microphones, pulling sound effects and audio, and setting everything on the sound board.

The biggest task is then mixing and monitoring all of the actor's mics and sounds as we go through every single performance.  I've also helped run sound for RB3, Mass, Talent Show, and more.

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Well at first it was just something new to try and do while in high school, but then it gradually turned into something I enjoyed doing in my life.

Favorite Memory

Drama rehearsals.  Especially near the beginning of each show as we get to play around and learn with each other.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say that if you want to join a community of people who value the Fine Arts - then Roger Bacon definitely is one of the best places to be.

Future Plans

I plan to attend The University of Cincinnati and major in

Computer Engineering

Other Involvement & Interests

I was also on the swim team all my years at RB, and swam on a club team.

Make sure to HEAR Ryan's work in the Drama Guild's production of "Newsies" 

April 7 -10

You can find ticket information HERE

Justin Dinh, Senior

The Roger Bacon Chorale, Tenor

Drama Guild, Once On This Island (Tonton),

Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll, Knave of Hearts), Newsies (Jack Kelly)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I see it as an escape from the realities of the world and it lets me express myself and truly makes me happy. I never saw myself as a singer, but Drama Guild and chorale have let me experience with my range more and I truly feel it has helped me improved. I love singing and music. Through shows, I think the concept of getting to take on a new persona and deliver a story is so empowering.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is being able to work on "NEWSIES"(my favorite musical) my senior year and the relationships I’ve built through it.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say go for it. I did not see myself as a fine arts student throughout my first two years in high school. However, I did my first musical my junior year and absolutely fell in love with the culture of musical theater and got involved with the two shows my last year in high school along with chorale. If you keep yourself from getting involved now, you might miss out on something that you never knew you liked. So just do it!

Future Plans

I plan on going to Miami University and majoring in marketing.

Other Involvement & Interests

VP of Student Senate

Community Outreach Board


Assisi Scholar

Ultimate Frisbee

Previous Kairos Leader

Senior Leader

Make sure to see Justin in the Drama Guild's production of "Newsies" 

April 7 -10

You can find ticket information HERE

Riley Finan, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Drawing & Painting, Graphic Design, 

Senior Studio Portfolio

Medium, graphite, acrylics

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts Program has and currently is improving my skills to be prepared for college and a career in the art world.  

Favorite Memory

I enjoyed looking through the art in my Freshman and Sophomore art shows.  And displaying my own art has been fun.  But my favorite memory is from Mrs. Reinbach. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You should know that in art - some people will like your work and some people will dislike it, but that does not discredit how good it might be.  

Future Plans

I plan to study communication design at the University of Cincinnati’s DAAP program. 

Other Involvement & Interests

I play water polo.

Ladaisia Ruberg, Senior

Visual Arts, Photography, Drawing & Painting

Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (featured dancer); Once On This Island (Erzulie); Newsies (Newsie, Bowery Beauty, featured dancer)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the Fine Arts because it is a way that I can have a creative outlet during school and as an extracurricular. The drama community is the greatest and always pushes me to do my best while still having fun.  

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is the week of filming for Once On This Island.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You defiantly should get involved in the visual or preforming arts. There are so many different things that you can do during or after school with teachers that will help you learn and grow. The Fine Arts can help you branch out and try new things, especially with all of the options for electives.

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon I plan to major in nursing.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play tennis and dance competitively.  I’m also on Community Outreach and in the Thespian Honor Society.

Make sure to see Ladaisia in the Drama Guild's production of "Newsies" 

April 7 -10

You can find ticket information HERE

Abigail Browning, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography

Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (ensemble)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts because the first time I came to Roger Bacon I wanted to get involved with some sort of art activity and I came across photography. I fell in love with photography the first day of the class.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is getting gold and silver keys in the Scholastics competition for my photography.  

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The people who are involved in the Arts at Bacon are very kind and comfortable in what they do. They are always welcoming and accepting of new students.

Future Plans

My plan is to go to the University of Cincinnati and study photojournalism. 

Clare Wiley, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Drawing & Painting, Senior Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I wanted to be involved with the Fine Arts at Bacon because I’ve always enjoyed art. It’s just always been something fun for me. And now having been inside it for about four years, I’m so glad I did become apart of it. Because I enjoy the environment within the classes and I enjoy being able to have a creative outlet that I otherwise can’t really tap into day-to-day at school. It’s a great refreshing moment for me at school, because I feel that I can be myself around the people in my class, and still do what I’m interested in and have fun.  

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory would probably be winning my silver key last year and my gold key this year at Scholastics. They are definitely moments of mine that I am very proud of. And I credit part of those achievements to the teaching from Mrs. Reinbach, and being taught how to understand photography. One of my favorite photos I’ve taken would be one called “Unsolicited,” which won an honorable mention at Scholastics this year. Additionally, I always enjoy the class itself, because the environment is so accepting, and I feel that I can be myself in the class. I love being around artists, and being able to get peeks inside their minds and see their art, and see their unique styles and personalities. I also really love how these classes allow us to be ourselves without a mask that we may put on during school. It’s my favorite part of my day and refreshing. It’s always really fun, and I love that I can have fun while doing what I’m interested in at school. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’d say that you should definitely get involved if you have any amount of interest. Even if you don’t think you have any artistic abilities, you’d be surprised to see what you can do when you’re taught the techniques. You don’t have to be a master of art going into anything, that’s not the goal. The goal is to learn more about your interests, grow in your understanding of yourself, and sculpt your potential skills. It’s so worth it to get involved in these classes because it’s more than just an art class. You get to be vulnerable and express things you might not know how to express. You get to learn about other people’s thought processes and meanings behind their work, and be inspired by them yourself. Being able to recognize the important aspects of life and society. Take advantage of the Fine Arts while you can. Even if you don’t do anything with art in your future, being able to know how to tap into the creative side of yourself is so important. It's something we need in the world.   

Future Plans

My plans after Roger Bacon are to save up money to move towards one of my biggest dreams - moving to Arizona. I don’t really know what I’m going to do there exactly, but I know that’s where I want to be. I have considered going in art school for photography in my future, should that fall on my path. I’m sort of just going with the flow, which is a little out of character for me.
I just want to be happy with whatever it is I end up doing, where I am while doing it, and most importantly, happy with myself.   

Other Involvement & Interests

I just finished my last season of tennis this Fall. It’s been a really great way to have good, lighthearted fun!

The UnderClassmen

Joanie Appleby, Freshmen; Casey Lanser, Sophomore;
Cameron Schildmeyer, Sophomore; Ray Huffman, Freshmen

Collectively members of RB3, Drama Guild, Concert Band,  and students in Intro to Studio Art, Guitar 1, Guitar 2, History of Rock, and Intro to Acting

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

To rock - and win talent shows! 

Favorite Memory

Winning "RB's Got Talent!"

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Rock On! If UnderClassmen can do it - so can you

Future Plans

Winning more talent shows!

Check out pictures from ALL the acts in this year's "RB's Got Talent!" HERE

Colin Doyle, Senior

The Roger Bacon Chorale, Tenor

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Peter Van Daan), Singin' in the Rain (featured vocalist), Suspense - A Radio Play (Cast), Once On This Island (Daniel),  Alice in Wonderland (King of Hearts), Newsies (Davey)

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art

Performing Arts, Guitar, Cappies Critique Team

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

It’s like a family that you get so connected with. 

Favorite Memory

It always has to be the performances with friends, on an open stage, in front of a live audience. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Go for it. There is nothing like getting up on a stage and stepping into someone else’s shoes for a moment.

Future Plans

Majoring in Media Production either at UC, Bowling Green or St. Bonaventure

Ariel Swanson, Senior

Concert Band, tuba, piano, percussion
RB3, keyboards

Chamber Choir, mezzo

Drama Guild, Our Miss Brooks (publicity); Godspell (publicity); Newsies (Finch)

Performing Arts, "RB's Got Talent!", guitar,  CCM's Youth Wind Ensemble, District Honor Band, Catholic Honor Band

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Because it’s one of the most inclusive communities in the school. My background didn’t matter when I joined the Drama Guild and I always felt like I had a home in the fine arts. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is definitely anything that I’ve done with RB3. The band is a great group of people and we all have this passion for music that we get to share, there is nothing like it. From sarcastic remarks that make everyone laugh to out of pocket comments, there’s never a moment that I don’t love being a part of RB3. The one thing I wish I did sooner was get involved with RB3.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

If you’re doubting whether or not you want to do something in the Fine Arts at Bacon, just try that thing! I doubted for 3 years and didn’t join some things until my senior year and now I wish that I had. Try to get out of your comfort zone because that might be the best place for you.  

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon I will be studying Political Science at the University of Cincinnati. I hope to minor in Criminal Justice and, of course, be involved with as many of their music groups as I possibly can.  

Other Involvement & Interests

I’m also a member of the Community Outreach Board and Godsquad here at RB. 

Danielle Noe, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, 3D Art, Drawing & Painting, Senior Studio/Portfolio

Medium, graphite, charcoals, and oil pastel

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Drawing, painting, and creating in general has been my passion since I was little.  Plus Mrs. Reinbach is a great art teacher, and one of the main reasons I’m so involved in Fine Arts at Roger Bacon. She really pushes her students to the best of their ability and she makes me want to see how far I can go with my art. 

Favorite Memory

Making tools out of weird things and creating abstract art with them. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Everyone starts somewhere.  So if you’re interested in the arts but you don’t feel confident in your skills, starting with taking a class and dedicating time to it is the best thing you can do.

Future Plans

I plan to get a degree in education so I can become a teacher!

Devin Jordan, Senior

Chamber Choir, mezzo

Performing Arts,  Intro to Acting, "RB's Got Talent!", singing, dancing
Visual Arts, Intro to Studio, 3D

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I enjoy showing people my talent and having fun with the others involved.

Favorite Memory

Intro to Acting because we had to dance and lip sync in competition for the students and it was just a blast!

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say try to do as much as you can because I wish I did more.  It’s always been really fun to do.

Future Plans

I plan to go to school for forensic science but I also would like to try doing a play as well 

Other Involvement & Interests

I am on the basketball team

MAYA LEE, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Drawing & Painting & Senior Portfolio

Medium, Photography

Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (Cheshire Cat)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love expressing myself creatively. The Fine Arts at Bacon gives me that opportunity every single day. Through my photography I am able to reflect feelings and ideas everyone can relate to, it lets me connect to others through art which I find very special. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory has to be the production of Alice in Wonderland! It was so amazing meeting new people and for it being my first production everything felt so natural. It was an amazing experience and I had the best time! 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

For anyone who is interested in the Visual or Performing Arts - do it! It might seem intimidating at first but everyone is here to help and support you. I remember being very intimidated by Ms. Reinbach but she has helped me so much through my photography and has inspired confidence to continue. It is such an amazing experience and I am so glad I decided to get involved! Really put yourself out there and be creative! 

Future Plans

I plan on going to college majoring in photography and minoring in communications. My goal is to become a concert photographer, I want to be able to travel the world and immersing myself in music! 

Other Involvement & Interests

I am also involved in Student Senate where I plan student activities like dances, assemblies, and pep rallies! I am also a part of the Senior Leaders (shoutout Flex 16) which has been so much fun! 


The Roger Bacon Chorale, Soprano

Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (special dancer) and Once On This Island (Ti Moune)
Visual Arts, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts has always been where I am most comfortable and it is where I'm doing something that I have loved and cared about my whole life. I would have regretted it if I never got involved with the fine arts while in high school. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memories all have happened in 7th bell Chorale. We sing and laugh and make each other's day better just by going to that class. Chorale is the most random but compatible group of people and I love being with them. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Even if you are scared, even if it makes you uncomfortable, do it! If you actually love the talent you were given, step out of your comfort zone and give it a chance. I promise you will regret it if you don’t try.  

Future Plans

I am interested in majoring in English or Veterinary Science. I know that I would like to continue with music in any form and learn more, then apply my knowledge to a career or a side hobby.

Other Involvement & Interests

I have cheered the last 4 years of high school and I am also a Senior Leader! 


Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art

Medium, Acrylics & Resin

Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (Alice)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon because I wanted to learn new things and get out of my comfort zone!

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory of the Fine Arts is probably during drama practice when people would come up to me and ask how I was doing because it made me feel very welcomed. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say to just do it!  It’s really fun to learn new things and everyone at Bacon is super welcoming. 

Future Plans

I’m not entirely sure what I want to do, but I think I might want to pick a career that is art-related such as an interior designer. 

Other Involvements

I am in ASL club, a Student Ambassador and I plan on playing lacrosse in the spring.  Outside of Roger Bacon, I do tap, jazz, and lyrical dance. 


Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography, 3D Art, Senior Studio

Medium, Illustration, painting & drawing

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Publicity Crew) & Suspense - A Radio Play (Publicity Crew)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon because of my passion for art.  Mrs. Reinbach keeps me motivated to do art even when I feel like my art isn’t good.

Favorite Memory

I think my favorite moment was when I finished the drawing of my dad because I felt so proud of what I had accomplished. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’d say that if you’re scared or don’t know what you’re doing, don’t worry!  Everyone has a starting place and it will only get better from there. 

Future Plans

I'm not quite sure about what I want to do yet but I know that art will always have a part in my life.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am a Project Leader for Community Outreach, an Officer for the St. Vincent de Paul Society and a Nation Honor Student. 


Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography, 3D Art, Senior Studio

Medium, Photography, Sculpture & Fashion

Drama Guild, Godspell (Cast), Singin' in the Rain (Lina Lamont) & Alice in Wonderland (Head of Costume Crew)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Fine Arts are the best way for me to express myself, and Roger Bacon makes it so easy to do so. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was being placed in a Photo 2 class, before I had taken photo 1, with a lot of my senior friends. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just try it out, you don’t have to be good at anything to learn! 

Other Involvement & Interests

Three Sport Athlete - Soccer, Bowling & Track 

Works for the Cincinnati Circus Company 

Catch Jordyn Thursday, October 28th at 7:30pm for the RB3 LIVE concert!

Free to come!


Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art, Drawing & Painting, Senior Studio/Portfolio 

Medium, Graphite Pencil & Colored Pencils

Concert Band, Trombone

RB3, Bass Guitar

Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (Costume Crew), Once On This Island (Costume Crew) and Alice in Wonderland (Duchess)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love the fine arts. I’ve been drawing for as long as I can remember and grade school introduced me to music and drama, so it’s a big part of my life. Plus Roger Bacon has a really nice Fine Arts Department. 

Favorite Memory

I would have to say Intro to Acting because it’s helped me be more confident in myself and it’s a great break from the stress in my other classes. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say to get involved in what you like but try new things as well. You never know just how much you’re going to enjoy a fine arts class until you try it out for yourself. 

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon, I plan to go to college for animation. 

VIDEO - Hear Jordyn play the bass with RB3!


Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art

Medium, Graphite Pencil

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

When I shadowed at Roger Bacon, I saw Mrs. Reinbach's Photography class and really enjoyed the experience.  Out of the Fine Arts electives available to freshmen, I decided to start with Intro to Studio Art!

Favorite Memory

I really enjoyed drawing one line face portraits!

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do it because it is fun and really interesting!  The Fine Arts can challenge you to get over your fears and to try something new.

Future Plans

I am currently on the Girl's Soccer Team and plan to become a Physical Trainer.


The Roger Bacon Chorale, Baritone

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Mr. Jan Dussel)), Singin' in the Rain (Roscoe Dexter), Suspense - A Radio Play (Cast), Once On This Island (Agwe) and Alice in Wonderland (Mad Hatter)

Visual Arts, Photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the fine arts at Bacon because it is a chance for me to jump out of my skin and adopt new personas. As well as the fact that I am good at acting. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell them that the community is a great way to make friends as an incoming freshman or transfer. Some of my closest friends I have met through RB drama.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory of the Fine Arts is during my first show here, Diary of Anne Frank. Ethan Herzog and I wrestled for a piece of bread while on stage. During this scene I lost my traction and was going to fall. Ethan however hoisted me back up and placed me back on my feet without the audience ever knowing anything happened. 

Future Plans

I plan on attending a college with a theatre program to continue my pursuit of making a living as an actor. 

Catch Connor in Mercy McAuley Theatre's production of  But Why Bump Off Barnaby? 

October 22-24, 2021   -   CLICK HERE for more info!

Check out some of Connor's photography!

Hear Ray play at the Homecoming game BELOW!


Concert Band, Percussion

RB3, Drummer

Church Choir, St. Michael

The Ron and Carol Dauwe Performing Arts Scholarship. Recipient 2021/2022

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love music and having a rock band and a lot of other art opportunities really opens your horizons on what you like to do. 

Favorite Memory

I haven’t really been here to long but playing in RB3 at the Homecoming football game was amazing 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Try and get involved with as many arts as you can.!

Future Plans

I'd like to stick with drums and be in a band.  I might try and teach music somewhere!

Roger Bacon Rhythm & Blues Rock Band (RB3)

Homecoming 2021


Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, 3D Art, Drawing & Painting & Senior Portfolio

Medium, Photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon because Mrs. Reinbach is an amazing teacher and is so easy to talk to. She gives amazing advice, while also giving good critiques. Her class is one I always look forward to and have the best time in. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is finding out that I won the Montgomery Photo Contest because I never expected it and it showed that my work has value. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The fine arts teachers here create an amazing environment that inspires people to keep working and pursuing their dreams. They also push people to do their best and HUSTLE!! 

Future Plans

I want to go to art school and major in photography and photojournalism. 


Visual Arts, Intro, Drawing & Painting, Senior Studio

Mediums, Inking with pens, street art/graffiti, charcoal, painting & printmaking

Concert Band, Clarinet, Saxophone & Guitar

Drama Guild, Our Miss Brooks (Publicity Crew)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Art and Music are my passions and I love making them. I want to spread a message to people and these are my best outlets to do so. 

Favorite Memory

Ms. Reinbach’s classes are my favorite memories. She is what made me improve my art, she gave me the advice and constructive criticism I needed to hear and overall made me into a better artist while also letting me choose which path to go down. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Do it. Just go ahead and do it. You will never know, never improve, and never move on from where you are currently until you take the step and get involved. Doing the fine arts program here at RB, even if you have your doubts, will be a good experience for young artists and performers and musicians. Trust me. 

Future Plans

I want to major in character design and animation and Street Art at the Art Acadamy of Cincinnati.  


I was accepted into the Bachelors of Fine Arts Program for the Art Academy of Cincinnati during the summer of 2021. There I learned more about the different types of art I could make and discovered new mediums to use and found my passions. 

Jacqueline Hagerman, Senior

The Roger Bacon Chorale, Alto

Drama Guild, Our Miss Brooks (Jane), The Diary of Anne Frank (Swing), Suspense: A Radio Play (Mrs. Stevenson), Alice in Wonderland (Red Queen)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at Bacon because it allows me to do what I love and express my inner creativity. Not only do I learn something new about what I love to do everyday, I also learn things about myself I never knew. The teachers and people involved in the Fine Arts here at Bacon only make it easier for me to love it.  

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory of the Fine Arts at Bacon was the radio play, Suspense, I was in last year. Countless memories within that show, but it was also my favorite because I really got to advance my acting skills and work with cool sound effects (I also didn’t have to memorize my lines). 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

What I would say to someone who wants to get involved in the Performing Arts at Bacon is to just go for it!  My first year in the Drama Guild, I was a shy and scared little freshman who knew nobody but the people there will always make you feel like family. No one’s judgement or the fear of being judged should stop you because you are to live life for you, and if you want to do Performing Arts because it makes you happy then do it. 

Future Plans

My future plans are to get into the acting world, audition for films or shows and hopefully grow from there. I would love to go to Columbia Chicago College to act there and hopefully achieve my dreams!