artist of the Week

2022 - 2023

Our Fine Arts Department Awards for the Senior Class of 2023 at Graduation

Our Performing Arts Awards for the Senior Class of 2023

Each of our 6 National Award winners for performing arts were involved in a major ensemble of either Concert Choir or Concert Band
- 3 were members of RB3 -
- And 5 were members of the Drama Guild - 

What an exceptionally talented group of SpARTans with this Senior Class.


Emmett Breda, Senior

Concert Band, percussion, drumset, timpani
RB3, percussion

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I like music, I love the people and I like that I can take it as a class during the school day.

Favorite Memory

My favorite was the 1st concert, Christmas of my Freshmen year. It was so much fun and it was so cool to be apart of the Roger Bacon band.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell them that it is super rewarding.  It's just a blast. It’s fun.

Future Plans

Biomedical Engineering at UC.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play Underwater Hockey, and was on the RB swim team.

Sydney Bond, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography,
Drawing & Painting, 3D, Studio Portfolio

mediums, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts at RB because art comes naturally to me. So, taking classes such as Photography and Drawing and Painting provides a type of relaxation from school work.

Favorite Memory

A favorite memory of mine is during Photography 2, where we made our snow globe worlds out of play dough. Everyone helped each other mix colors and brainstorm ideas. It made the class so fun and enjoyable.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

To those who want to get involved with Fine Arts at RB, just do it. Sometimes it’s scary trying something you have never done before but if you don’t you might regret it. It’s good to get out of your comfort zone and try new things you previously hadn’t thought about.

Future Plans

I plan on attending the University of Cincinnati, majoring in Advanced Medical Imaging Technology.

Ally Hughes, Sophomore

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography
mediums, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I chose to be involved with the Fine Arts at Roger Bacon because I have always had a deep love for creating stories through photography. I love to take pictures of people/things that spark interests that I and many others may have.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory I have was being selected for the Scholastics photography awards and actually winning a gold key, all in my first year really getting into photography.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

My advice for anyone thinking of wanting to get involved with the visual or performing arts is to just do it. Even if you don’t think it could be your style…step out of your comfort zone a bit and give it a try. The teachers are amazing and always have great feedback to make your artwork better. I didn’t know if it would be my type of class but in reality it helped me express myself through my work and put myself out there more.

Future Plans

I plan on going to college to pursue my academic and athletic career.

Other Involvement & Interests

I’m a two sport athlete, playing both volleyball and softball.

Natalie Juelg, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography,
Drawing & Painting, Studio Portfolio

mediums, Graphite, acrylic paint, water color, and oil pastel

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I like to create my ideas on paper for others to see, it’s how I like to express myself.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is creating my oil pastel bug, the process was long but it turned out really good.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t be afraid to try new things, just let your mind go free and create your ideas.

Future Plans

I plan to attend Thomas More University, in an art related major.

Other Involvement & Interests

I ran Cross Country all 4 years and I’m involved with the Art Club.

Nia Buchannon, Senior

Visual Arts, medium - photography
Concert Choir, alto
Concert Band, saxophone
RB3, lead vocals
Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (Ensemble),
Once On This Island (Mama Euralie), Alice in Wonderland (Publicity), Newsies (Medda Larkin/Buttons),
We Will Rock You (Scaramouche) 

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

It’s a space that allows individualism and is a place that allows me to just be who I am with no judgement.

Favorite Memory

Most of my favorite memories are from the four years of 7th bell Concert Band, RB3 practices and singing in "RB's Got Talent!" my freshman year.   

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say that you are entering a close knit family that not only has your back, but is a program that bases their value on the growth of the individual; as a performer, or artist, and most importantly, a creator in all aspects. It’s a place where you will experience true joy and freedom away from the stresses of your life.

Future Plans

I plan to major in Musical Theatre and become a professional performer. 

Other Involvement & Interests

I'm Secretary of Student Senate, on Community Outreach Board, and I take photographs for the school's athletics. I've also performed with The Children’s Theatre here in Cincinnati for multiple shows.  

Nia has been a consistent participant in all of RB's performing arts.  She's not only been a part of Band, Choir and RB3, but has also been a finalist in "RB's Got Talent!", led music for Mass and Reconciliation, and sang the National Anthem at plenty of pep-rallys and athletic events.
She takes a starring role in the upcoming musical "We Will Rock You" as Scaramouche.  Make sure to see her ROCK in this epic show!

Zoe Nienaber, Senior

Concert Choir, alto

RB3, vocals

Instruments, guitar, piano, uke

Drama Guild, Diary of Anne Frank (Set/Prop/Run),
Singin' in the Rain (Ensemble), Suspense (Ensemble),
Once On This Island (Papa Ge), Alice in Wonderland (White Rabbit),
Newsies (Crutchie), Hamlet (Guildenstern),
We Will Rock You (Killer Queen), Cappies Critics Team

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I believe that the arts are such a healthy and fulfilling mode of self-expression and self-discovery, along with being a great way for me to constantly challenge and better myself. I have made some of my best friends through Fine Arts involvement and each show is like a new family.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory of Fine Arts has been watching how supportive everyone was of each other closing night of Newsies, and how even in the craziness of the situation, the show still ran relatively smoothly. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

It doesn’t matter what grade you are in, or how much experience you do or don’t have. If a little part of you is interested, do it. The only way to figure out if it is something you truly enjoy, is to try it!

Future Plans

I plan to go into Education, majoring in Special Ed (K-12) and Early Childhood Ed (P-5), at Mount St. Joseph University.

Zoe has participated fully in the performing arts at RB.  She's not only been a part of Choir and RB3, but has also been a finalist in "RB's Got Talent!" and led music for Mass and Reconciliation.
She takes a starring role in the upcoming musical "We Will Rock You" as the Killer Queen.  Make sure to see her final stage performance in this rockin' show!
Tickets are available NOW - and you can place your PreOrder HERE

Peppe Mechley, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art
Concert Band, trumpet

Drama Guild, Diary of Anne Frank (lights),
Singin' in the Rain (lights), Suspense (sound),
Once On This Island (lights), Alice in Wonderland (lights),
Newsies (lights/stage manager), Hamlet (stage manager)

We Will Rock You (lights/stage manager)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

My friends made me try it out with them and I immediately loved the atmosphere and the feeling of the crew. It was a really chill community that I instantly felt connected with.

Favorite Memory

Going out after the opening night of Diary of Anne Frank.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just do the things that make you happy.

Future Plans

Going to college, not sure which one yet, to major in forensic science or physics.

Other Involvement & Interests

I also play Underwater Hockey.

Peppe himself might not be seen that often, working in the crew - but his work literally is the light that lets everyone see each performance.  He's not only helped the Drama Guild shows, but also events like Mass, assemblies, "RB's Got Talent!", RB3 shows, and practically every concert.
  Most of the light effects that you've seen are planned by Peppe!
His going all out with the lighting for "We Will Rock You" - so make sure to join us to see his work in action.
Tickets are available NOW - and you can place your PreOrder HERE

Gavin Honerlaw, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art

mediums, sculptures
Concert Choir, baritone

Drama Guild, Singin' in the Rain (Ensemble)

Alice in Wonderland (Playing Card),
Newsies (Snyder), Hamlet (Barnardo/Osrich)

We Will Rock You (Bohemian "Steven Nicks", Ensemble)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I had been acting since I was little. But I was about to cancel my audition for "Singin’ in the Rain", when I was pushed to go through with it anyway. That's when I really discovered my love for theater.

Favorite Memory

"Newsies" - opening night. My first ever musical on stage that truly cemented my love of the arts.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts give you a family that you can always rely on to love and support you. 

Future Plans

Go to Cincinnati State to start an education in the arts so I can follow my dream of becoming a voice actor

Other Involvement & Interests

I was on the bowling team.

Gavin will be back on stage in the upcoming "We Will Rock You" musical as one of the rockin' Bohemians.  Tickets are available NOW - and you can place your PreOrder HERE

Kayla Kilgore, Sophomore

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art

mediums, pencil, paints, mixed media, photography
Drama Guild, Newsies (JoJo, Ensemble), Hamlet (Laertes),
We Will Rock You (Aretha, Featured Dancer),
Cappies Critics Team 

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The Fine Arts allow me to express my creative side and create work for other people to enjoy. It also allows me to connect with people and grow as a person. The relationships I have made through Drama Guild have made my RB experience so much better and has given such a positive outlook on things. I learned that I love things I never would have gotten to try if it wasn’t for my experience in Fine Arts.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is opening night of Newsies. Newsies is one of my favorite musicals and I was so excited to hear that Bacon was doing it. It was so rewarding to know that our months of hard work were about to be enjoyed by a sold out theatre. The energy of the opening night show was electric and I will genuinely never forget acting, dancing, and singing on stage with all of my closest friends.  

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t be afraid to try something new. I had never been in a musical when I tried out for "Newsies", and I definitely had never sang in front of a huge audience. They’re always going to be people encouraging you and helping you along the way in whatever Fine Art you want to participate in. You will never know what you are good at or what you like - until you try it!

Future Plans

I’m undecided on what college I want to attend or what major I am going to choose, but I’m looking into going into political science or psychology.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am a student ambassador, on academic team, and I am an Assisi Scholar. Outside of school I have been dancing for over ten years doing ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop.
I also like to sew. 

Kayla has also been selected to be published as a "Top 10 Reviewer" for the Cappies Critics 3(!!) times just this year - and it's her first year as a critic.

She's also been hard at work as a featured dancer and Bohemian for Drama Guild's upcoming musical "We Will Rock You" - you can PreOrder tickets HERE

The Classmen

Denzel Kirkland, Junior; Joanie Appleby, Sophomore;
Casey Lanser, Junior; Xavier Hecker, Junior;
Cameron Schildmeyer, Junior; Ray Huffman, Sophomore

Collectively members of RB3, Drama Guild, Concert Band, and students in Piano, Guitar 1, Guitar 2, History of Rock, and Improv

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

To rock - and keep winning talent shows! 

Favorite Memory

Winning "RB's Got Talent!" for the 2nd year in a row - with our original song!


What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Rock On! You just gotta do it - it's so fun!


Future Plans

Winning more talent shows!

Check out pictures from ALL the acts in this year's "RB's Got Talent!" HERE

India Nichols, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, 3D Art , Drawing & Painting,

Studio Portfolio

mediums, paintings, ink, graphite, pencils

Drama Guild, Alice in Wonderland (Playing Card),
We Will Rock You (Costumes)

instruments, piano, guitar

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The arts have been a part of my life since the beginning. I value art very highly in my life and I try to continue that where ever I am.

Favorite Memory

I have enjoyed the Studio Portfolio class the most out of all of the art classes I’ve taken at RB. I loved the freedom of getting to choose what I want to create.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

The arts are a great way of expressing yourself and getting to know people. Even if you think you won’t be any good you can only improve. 

Future Plans

I will be going to UC-DAAP in the fall studying fine arts, my goal is to become an illustrator.

Other Involvement & Interests

Outside of RB I’m involved in ballet, Scouts (working towards Eagle), and I enjoy listening to music and reading.
I am also the vice president of the RB Art Club.

India also received recognitions from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards recently, and you can see her work currently up on display at the Cincinnati Art Academy.

She's also been hard at work designing and building the costumes for Drama Guild's upcoming musical "We Will Rock You"

Alex Halsey, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography, Drawing & Painting, 3D Art

mediums, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I've really loved art since when I was a young age as it has always been a relaxing habit for me when I feel stressed.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is my Photo 1 class because it was my first time experimenting with photography and seeing my skill progress.  I really loved that class.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You're not always going to get it right the first time around - I never did, but with support and confidence improvement will eventually show.

Future Plans

I want to go to UC as an aerospace engineer.

Other Involvement & Interests

I played soccer for Bacon for all four years.

Alex just received several recognitions from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.  He earned a Gold Medal for photography and now has his work competing at the National level in New York City.
Congrats Alex!

Morgan Heinrich, Sophomore

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art, Photography

mediums, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved with the Fine Arts because I think art is a really good outlet for me. It helps me express myself in so many different ways while also allowing me to tell a story that is meaningful to me.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was in Photography class, when the results from Scholastics came. Mrs. Reinbach told me that I had won and she said to me, “You need a camera in your hands!” She had said it before, but this time I felt like it could be true. For me, her saying that meant so much. It meant that I was really good at something that I really cared about. Mrs. Reinbach always has a way to make her class interesting, but she also always boosts us up and tells us that we can do anything we set our minds to as long as we have hustle and a good work ethic.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t be afraid to try something you’ve never done before. You may end up discovering a new skill or even a new passion. Getting involved in any type of art at Bacon can be freeing because it gets you in touch with the creative side of yourself that you may never have known you had.

Future Plans

After Roger Bacon, I plan on going to college to be a neuroscientist. However, I do want to explore photography more in the future.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am part of ASL Club and I am a student ambassador.

Morgan just received several recognitions from the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.  She earned 4 (!!) Gold Medals and now has her work competing at the National level in New York City.
Her 4 Gold Medals not only make her the most recognized RB artist this year, but also one of the highest award winners in a single year we've ever had.  Congrats Morgan!

Elissa Fasbender, Senior

Concert Choir, soprano
Drama Guild, Singin’ in the Rain (Ensemble),
Suspense (Hair/MakeUp), Newsies (Ensemble),
We Will Rock You (Set Crew) 

Concert Band, percussion

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved in the Fine Arts at RB because I get to be in something that I have always liked doing. I also get to express myself and be creative. I feel that being involved with the Fine Arts allows me to express myself in a free and safe manner. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is always performing, like being in the cast.   I also like the concerts every winter and spring. I love all the memories especially from being backstage, and making lifelong friendships. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell them to do it! It helped me to find friends I will have forever. It has also helped me get out of my comfort zone. 

Future Plans

My plan after Roger Bacon is to go to college. I'm currently undecided about where I am going but I want to major in Anthropology. 

Other Involvement & Interests

I've been in LaSalle's Marching Band and other choirs.
Also, Nia is my favorite.

Elissa just participated for the first time in "RB's Got Talent!" and will be singing for the all-school Mass next week with Concert Choir.  

Kanani Distler, Senior

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Costumes),
Singin’ in the Rain (Costumes),
Suspense (Sound), Alice in Wonderland (Stage Manager), 

Newsies (Stage Manager), Hamlet (Stage Manager),
We Will Rock You (Student Director) 

Concert Band, guitar, percussion

RB3, Band Manager

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I love working with others to help them reach their goals and improve in their own individual ways.  And that helps me improve my own skills and relationships in artistic and musical ways.

Favorite Memory

All of "Newsies".  It just really brought us together as one big artistic unit, which resulted in so many wonderful relationships.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

DO IT! It's shaped me as a person and artist in the best way possible.  It has given a purpose and channel for my dreams and passions. 

Future Plans

Off to college to become a high school English teacher with a minor in Psychology, but if life takes me a different direction, I'd be more than happy to follow where the wind takes me.

Allie Korfhagen, Freshman

Visual Arts, Intro to Studio Art

mediums, mixed media, pastels, pencils, paints

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved in the Fine Arts because it lets me get my creativity out, and lets me be whoever I want through my art pieces.

Favorite Memory

My favorite thing so far has been when we did clay work in Intro to Studio Art.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You should consider joining because it is a great place where you can fully express yourself and share your love for the arts with anybody.

Future Plans

I'm not so sure yet.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play volleyball here at RB!

Allie was the recipient of the Cliff and Betty Dannenfelser Visual Art Scholarship for the 22-23 school year!  It's been great to see her talents developed as a freshman.

Jacob Wernicke, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photo

Concert Choir, bass

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Because I just like to sing!

Favorite Memory

I always enjoy singing the National Anthem.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You shouldn't judge things before you've tried them.  You never know what you may enjoy.

Future Plans

To become a veterinary technician. 

You'll be able to see Jacob as a member of the Concert Choir where he is featured as a soloist for the RB Christmas Concert on Thurs Dec 15th.

Matthias Wang, Sophomore

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography
Medium, photography, a little sculpting

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I feel it helps me express creativity in a way that I cannot express in my normal life.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was probably taking Intro to Studio Art freshman year - I made a lot of friends in that class and was able to express myself more artistically.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

You should most definitely take Intro to Studio Art because it touches on color, photography, sculpting, drawing, still life's and even more types of visual art.  It really helps you to discover what type of art you really enjoy.

Future Plans

My plans after Roger Bacon are either going to a trade school to learn to be an engineer, or go to college to become a lab tech.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am a part of track and field as a pole-vaulter.  I am currently the only member - so check it out.  It’s a lot of fun and is adrenaline inducing. I also do competitive skateboarding and I post my videos and photography on my instagram @skatingmatt

Colleen Woeste, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, 3D-Art

medium, Ceramic sculpture

Concert Choir, soprano

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Hair/MakeUp),
Singin’ in the Rain (Hair/MakeUp),
Suspense (Hair/MakeUp), Once on This Island (Hair/MakeUp), 

Alice in Wonderland (Student Director), 

Newsies (Student Director), Hamlet (Polonius)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved because it is a way for me to express myself, have fun, and be creative. Through the Fine Arts I have learned many valuable lessons, made lifelong friendships, and have found something that I am very passionate about.

Favorite Memory

I have made so many wonderful memories, but my favorite is Student Directing in the production of Newsies. Although it was very crazy and wasn’t too fun in the moment, I am so grateful for the experience. The majority of the cast and crew, including myself, had fallen ill the day of the second show. Due to this unfortunate situation, we had to preform two times on that Sunday. I was running around backstage the entire show helping the cast, especially in the “sick corner”. Being the “Drama Mama”, I was taking care of all my “kids” (cast and crew) while directing backstage. This experience has really helped me to be a better leader and is a great memory to look back on.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say to just do it! It might be scary and you might not succeed at first, but it’s all worth it. If you have even the slightest bit of interest in Fine Arts, go for it. Who knows, you might find your passion or a new hobby.

Future Plans

I am currently undecided about where I will be going to college, but am planning on going into a medical profession or communications.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am also involved in God Squad, am a student ambassador, a senior leader, and a member of the International Thespian Honor Society. Outside of theatre, I enjoy doing crafts and both beauty and SFX makeup. In addition, I am the youngest of four and all of my siblings are RB alumni.

Colleen just had her on-stage debut as Polonius in "Hamlet" and had us all cracking up!

You'll be able to see her again as a member of the Concert Choir for the
RB Christmas Concert on Thurs Dec 15th.

Grace Hoffmann, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro

Drama Guild, The Diary of Anne Frank (Publicity), Singin’ in the Rain (Publicity), Suspense (Publicity), Once on This Island (Publicity), 

Alice in Wonderland (Publicity), Newsies (Specs, Featured Dancer),

Hamlet (Student Director), Cappies Critics Team (Lead Critic)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved because it is a place where I can express myself, have fun, and tell stories with meaning and important lessons. I’ve met some of my best friends in the Fine Arts and have been taught so many things that I will take with me on my future endeavors. The environment is truly a family with the most supportive teachers and students I’ve ever met. It’s a place where I can be myself and follow my love for the arts. 

Favorite Memory

Performing in my first show "Newsies" has been my favorite memory. I had never been on stage before, and I was greeted by the cast with so much love and support it was unreal. The show was incredible and so full of amazing memories. It was one of the most fun shows I’ve ever been apart of and allowed me to find my love for the stage. The Cappies performance simply heightened that feeling of happiness. Even though we didn’t win best musical, everyone knew we put on an amazing show. Winning Best Ensemble was also amazing, with all our hard work being seen and getting to be honored with so many amazing people. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Even if you’re scared, just go for it. There is a place for everyone and their interests in the Fine Arts at Bacon, so if you’re thinking about it, just do it! You will not regret it at all, and may find the passions, experiences, and friendships you would never have guessed you would have. 

Future Plans

I want to attend the University of Kentucky and major in Political Science. I hope to minor in theater as well, with the goal to be law school to practice music copyright law.

Other Involvement & Interests

I am Student Senate co-president, an Assisi Scholar, Lead Critic on the Cappies Team, swam for Powel Crosley JR YMCA for 12 years, and swam varsity at Bacon for 3 seasons. I work as a pool manager in the summers as well! 

Grace was just recently selected to be published as a writer for the Cappies Critics.  In fact, she not only was selected within the Top 10 of reviews -
but she was in the TOP THREE, 3 times in a row!

You can see the product of Grace's hard work as student director
in the Drama Guild's production of "Hamlet" 

November 18 -20

Olivia Radecki, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography

Drama Guild, Singin’ in the Rain (Featured Dancer),
Suspense (Millie), Once on This Island (Choreographer), 

Alice in Wonderland (White Queen), 

Newsies (Tommy Boy, Dance Captain, Featured Dancer),

Hamlet (Hamlet)

(Olivia has also been a part of "RB's Got Talent!" for multiple years, including as a finalist, has been a long time part of CCM Prep's dance program, and was nominated for a Cappie Award as "Best Female Dancer" for Newsies)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I’m involved because it’s a place where I can have fun, express myself, and be pushed to try new things. The teachers and students are some of the most supportive people I know. It’s an environment where I feel really comfortable being my full self.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was the entire tech week and show weekend of Newsies. Even amidst all the craziness, we put on a heck of a show and I had an absolute blast every night. I loved spending time with all my friends and getting to goof around with them on and offstage. Performing "Newsies" was one of the most fun things I’ve ever done.
Going to the Cappies was incredible, too. The energy was electric and the audience loved our performance! I was so proud of all the work that went into that show and it definitely paid off.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just go for it. Everyone who’s involved would tell you that. Sign up for that class, audition - shoot your shot. There’s tons of opportunities to get involved. You make amazing friends and memories, and have the opportunity to grow and develop as an artist. Even if you think you don’t have time in your schedule, you can take classes during the school day, or find a way to balance out your extracurriculars to let you get involved.
Do it! You won’t regret it!

Future Plans

I plan to major in English and continue with dance and theater!

Other Involvement & Interests

At Bacon, I am an Assisi Scholar, a Senior Leader, and a member of National Honor Society and International Thespian Honor Society. Outside of RB, I take dance classes at the University of Cincinnati as a part of their CCM Prep Ballet Program.

You can come see Olivia star as Hamlet in the
Drama Guild's production of "Hamlet" 

November 18 -20

You can find ticket information HERE

Logan Evans, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography 1&2
Medium, photography
Drama Guild, Newsies (Mr. Wiesel),
Hamlet (Francisco, Court Actor)

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I got involved in the Drama Guild because of my sister Claire, but also I just enjoy it very much. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory from this year at RB is from Improv class, when we played a family dinner game, and it was a very funny family. My second favorite memory would be complaining in our Photo 2 class about the Photo 1 class. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

If you want to, or have an interest in the arts, do it. There are many amazing people here at Roger Bacon who will support you. If you don’t think you’re good enough, trust me, no one is a professional before they take the class.

Future Plans

I plan to go to college at Miami University and major in manufacturing engineering.

Other Involvement & Interests

I teach Tae Kwon Do and love cats. I also work at Kings Island.

You can come see Logan in the Drama Guild's production of "Hamlet" 

November 18 -20

You can find ticket information HERE

Henry Vieth, Senior

Concert Band, saxophones, percussion
RB3, bari sax

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Family ties and I enjoy playing the saxophone.  When I was in the 1stgrade I saw an Alto saxophone and it was love at first sight.  I really wanted to play it right then and there but had to wait until I was older.  I have loved it ever since. 

Favorite Memory

Driving to different grade schools to play a Christmas concerts.  I rode with my section leader Megan and learned a lot.  I got into the groove of the songs and just really enjoyed the tour.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just meet and talk with them about what you want to play and perform.  They can help you get good enough to play the role or music and they make the learning specific to you and the group your in.

Future Plans

Seminary or a degree in physical therapy.

Other Involvement & Interests

I'm really involved in Boy Scouts.

(Henry was just recognized at Senior Night for his participation in RB3 - and you can catch him rockin' out on the bari sax at the RB3 LIVE concert Thursday!)

Sophia Barlow-Siegel, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I got involved with the Fine Arts because I wanted to explore more of my creative side and I fell in love with photography.

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory would have to be one of my photos winning gold in scholastics last year.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say go for it. You never know if you like it until you try.

Future Plans

I'm not entirely sure but I know I want to pursue my photography.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play softball and I'm on the Community Outreach Board. 

Kameron Kerl, Junior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Drawing & Painting,
Studio Portfolio

Medium, photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved as a way to relieve stress and have fun! 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory would be taking winter shots for my Photo 2 class.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Don’t be afraid that you won’t be perfect - you learn by making mistakes. 

Future Plans

I either want to be a photographer or I want to go into cyber security.

Leah Mason, Senior

Concert Choir, mezzo, alto

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

It’s an opportunity to create special friendships and get to express myself in creative ways. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory was singing in the Spring Concert of my sophomore year. "Gaudeamus Hodie" has been my favorite song that we performed.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say how it is a wonderful and positive environment to express yourself and to gain new self-confidence.

Future Plans

I plan to go to college and study English or Early Childhood Education.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play volleyball here at Roger Bacon.

(Leah just sang with the choir at Homecoming for The National Anthem and as a soloist at the Feast of St Francis all-school Mass, where she was recognized by our Franciscan Friars for her amazing job!)

VIDEO - Hear Leah in her favorite song from the Spring Concert 2021

Jacob Dougoud, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Photography, Drawing & Painting,
Studio Portfolio

Medium, illustrations and photography

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I really enjoy the atmosphere and the creativity outlet that Roger Bacon provides. It’s really just a breathe of fresh air. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite visual piece was working on acrylic still life last year.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would say go for it. Anytime there’s an opportunity to improve, you should definitely take it. You don’t know how many you’ll get in life.

Future Plans

I am unsure of what I will do next year. 

Other Involvement & Interests

Art Club, from time to time.
(Jacob has also just started learning guitar in the Guitar I class.)

Mia Huber, Senior

Concert Choir, soprano

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

It’s a good environment to be in with people who are so kind, funny, and welcoming. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite thing that we’ve done has been our Christmas concerts just because it’s a fun way to get into Christmas spirit. 

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just get involved! It’s so worth it and you make so many friends; so there’s no reason not to do it. 

Future Plans

I plan on going to college to become an athletic trainer. 

Other Involvement & Interests

I’m involved in volleyball, track, Student Senate, and Community Outreach.
(Mia just finished helping with the events of Homecoming week, where the Concert Choir sang the National Anthem - and she just lent her voice to the Grandparents Day Mass.)

Vivian Borgert, Senior

Visual Arts, Intro, Drawing & Painting, Studio Portfolio

medium, illustrations
instruments, cello, piano, guitar

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I enjoy being able to have a creative outlet and explore different areas of art.

Favorite Memory

I’ve had Mrs. Reinbach every year for art. She makes learning fun and helps improve our skills in fun ways.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

Just go for it. It is such a fun way to get to know yourself and others in your classes. Even if you don't think the arts are for you, you can at least say you tried.

Future Plans

I plan to attend UC on a pre-med track.

Other Involvement & Interests

I play lacrosse, and am involved with Senior Leaders, Kairos, and Student Senate.
(Vivian has been helping plan this week's Homecoming events as well as being featured as the newest "Face of RB" on the school's website!)

Belle Swanson, Senior

Concert Band, clarinet, saxophone, percussion
RB3, tenor saxophone

Concert Choir, mezzo

Why are you involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I am involved with the Fine Arts program at Roger Bacon because of the people and my passion for music. The other people involved make many of the experiences memorable and worth while. And it's not just concert band, the whole Fine Arts department is also being creative and diligent in their work. 

Favorite Memory

My favorite memory is the RB3 concert performance from last year in which we had a "fire drill" mid song. All of the members of RB3 switched the instrument they were playing and then picked right back up into the song.

What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in the Fine Arts at Bacon?

I would tell anyone who wants to get involved with the Visual or Performing Arts to do it! Even if you don’t know much about what you are doing, it is an amazing way to learn new things. There are many people here to help.

Future Plans

I plan on going to college to major in music (either performance or education) and minoring in mathematics .

Other Involvement & Interests

I work at Strickers Grove, and I am involved in the Roger Bacon Community Outreach Board and the La Salle Marching Band.